A downloadable Tool

UniFlux is a powerful Event and State system for Unity that fosters seamless communication between scripts, promoting a modular design!

Please read the Documentation for better understanding :)

UniFlux is a Open Source Project From Devs to devs <3

You can Download here in Asset Store https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/250332


An event-driven approach offers a cleaner, more scalable solution. With events and states, when the player takes damage, you simply dispatch an event state called "PlayerHurt". This event can contain details like the amount of damage taken. Any system interested in reacting to the player being hurt, like the UI, sound, or screen-shake, can subscribe to the "PlayerHurt" event. When the event is published, all subscribed systems are notified and can react accordingly. This keeps the player health system focused on its core functionality and decouples it from all the other systems in the game, making your code easier to understand, maintain, and expand in the future.

UniFlux makes development easier with its event system. Imagine scripts as actors: they broadcast messages (events) on specific channels (topics) without needing to know who's listening. This keeps your code clean and modular!

📖 Documentation | 📑 Github | 🗣️ Discord | 🌐 Contact

Ditch the chaos! UniFlux is the event-driven system your Unity project craves. 

Stop the coding struggle! 

Updated 8 days ago
AuthorXavier Arpa
Made withUnity
TagsAsset Pack, GitHub, sourcecode, tool, Unity
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few seconds
LinksSource code, Asset Store, Documentation


UniFlux-2.1.1.unitypackage 152 kB